
As you can imagine, this program is not guaranteed to do anything whatsoever, nor is it guaranteed not to damage your files, scratch your hard disk or blow up your computer. You use this program completely at your own risk. I think these are reasonable terms, since you are not paying anything for it. This version may well contain hidden ``features'' you did not think about, and so be careful — back up essential files (and possibly lock away your wife/husband and children). Also, please check the program with its built in selftest and with a virus scanner the first time you run it, especially if you got it from an unsafe source!

For those hardy types which want to tell me how wonderful the program is and what lovely exciting unexpected things it does to their data, I can be reached via e-mail at


and by mail at the following address:

Eyal Doron, H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, U.K.

Good Luck!


The following public domain packages were used in the production of BibDB: the SPAWNO routines by Ralf Brown, Timo Salmi's TSERR and TSUNTI units, Jack Ridgway's MULAWARE unit, Duncan Murdoch's impressive STREAMS unit, and my own FMANAGE unit.